Top 10 jQuery Animation Effects On Your Website

Animation is something that we all love, as it makes the object or element, it is applied to, appealing, and also act as an eye grabber. Earlier animation was restricted to only cartoons, but then it came into website development too, where web developers used to implement animations on websites using jQuery. However, as technology has progressed, animation can now be implemented with CSS3. But, here the catch is that not all browsers support CSS3 animation. And for that very reason, developers still need to use jQuery as a Fallback method.

In addition to this, there are many animation related things that you can’t achieve entirely with CSS3 only. But with jQuery you can easily bring life into any web element easily. And in an attempt to make you aware of what jQuery is capable of, we have come up with an idea to list top 20 animation effects you can implement on your site using jQuery. The animation effects listed in this blog post are really fascinating and will definitely inspire you to give them a try.

Photographyportfolio shutter effect

Have you ever tried your hands at Canvas, a new HTML5 element to draw graphics using JavaScript yet? Here, the developer has made a brilliant camera shutter effect that you too can use on your site to display your photographs. To make this effect, the developer has used HTML5 canvas tag, CSS3, and jQuery by creating custom events named as shutter Open and shutter Close, for which trigger(), the jQuery method has been used. Moreover, to ensure that the shutter effect runs smoothly, the image frames are generated ahead of time using a separate canvas element.

Animated Menu using jQuery

Creating menus is something that is very common for every web developer, as every webpage or a website has a navigation menu. However, not all websites have an animated menu, as developers generally use Flash to make an animated menu bar. But not anymore, as in this tutorial the author takes you through a process where he makes a graceful animated menu with jQuery. Additionally, he also uses image sprite for the menu bar and with jQuery handles the opacity pretty effectively.

Animated Text and Icon Menu

Creating menus seem pretty easy task for all sorts of web developers including experts, intermediate, and beginners. But have you ever wondered to create a menu with animated text and icons on it? Want to know how it is done? Just go through this perfect tutorial, where the author has created eight different types of animation effects on a simple menu using jQuery. The animation looks stunning and powerful that it inspires you immediately to use the same on your site.

Circule any object with jQuery

Being a web developer, no matter if you are an expert or a beginner, had you ever came across a task where you need to circulate a webpage element? If yes, then were you able to accomplish it? Probably not, but don’t worry, as in this tutorial, Chris Coyier, globally known for, tells you how to animate any web element into a circular motion. And here, he has accomplished his task using jQuery version 1.4+ with its .animate() function.

Flipped Image Gallery with Bounce Effect

Image gallery is one of the most important aspects of a website. As that’s what we basically use to display our work or projects. But generally, we like to keep our image galleries as simple as possible. However, some people really like to play it cool by adding some kind of mouse hover effect or by bringing animation effect into play. And in this tutorial, the author has tried to make a unique image gallery and add a bouncy animation effect using jQuery, which really makes this tutorial quite interesting to go through.

On Scroll Header Effect

Since animation has been introduced in jQuery, then in CSS3, web developers are in love with the animation, as it really makes thing much more interesting and eye catching. Though, you might have also tried to animate many of the web elements, but did you ever try to play with the header? Probably no and never, but in this latest tutorial, the author has been able to catch the attention by making animated header using the powerful jQuery that animates the header whenever a user scrolls down to the website.

Grid Accordion with jQuery

Have you ever faced a situation, where you need to display a lot of information on a webpage but only in a limited space? If not, then you may probably get a chance to come through these kinds of situations. But you should never worry about that, as to handle the space crunch, you can easily opt for an accordion, and that’s what the author teaches you with this jQuery tutorial. Here, you’ll be able to learn about making a grid accordion where only one cell opens up at a time with a reasonable reading width.

Revealing Photo Slider with jQuery

Did you ever try to make image thumbnails that expand using the much popular jQuery onClick event and displays the entire image along with its information? Probably, you may have done the same thing for an ecommerce store, but not by using the jQuery, instead you may have opted for the CSS using its hover effect. However, in this tutorial, the author has showcased another great technique to make a thumbnail based photo gallery, where a photo is revealed entirely by clicking a button. Once you’ll go through this tutorial, we are sure you’ll love it.

Rocking & Rolling Rounded Menu


Simple BannerRotator with jQuery

Have a website where you need to display banner advertisements to earn money? Though website CMSes like WordPress offers banner advertisement solutions via plugins, but they all aren’t much effective, as most of them only provide static banner placements. But in case, if you are interested in displaying rotating banner ads, then don’t worry as in this tutorial, the author has shared quite a simple way of making simple banner rotator with jQuery, that move the advertisement banners every time a new user visits the site or the existing user refreshes the webpage. In addition to jQuery, the author has also used PHP for programming and MySQL for database.

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